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2012-2013 Ice Fishing Challenge
Sorry if you missed the invite. Had a changing of the guards, but threw out the invite early Nov. Not early enuf for some zingy pinheads.

Tried to stick with Tlspyders rules for the most part. But one thing I like about the sponsors - is the prizes are spread. So even the panfish fisher can reel one in (so to speak). Plus I'm hoping for more littler prizes along the way. I like the idea of lots of littler rewards over one single winner concept. We'll see how it goes.

Hey - hooking up, and hauling in any ice-fish is a prize in itself right!

Unless someone would throw a fit - if you have a good ruler shot of that tiger - I'd be willing to entertain an entry. But get yer banner printed!

If someone has a problem with it, I've got no problem with that. Rules says what they does.

Even though I can't see it's tail - that's a nice fish!

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Re: [Jacksonman] 2012-2013 Ice Fishing Challenge - by CoyoteSpinner - 12-15-2012, 06:35 PM

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