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shsimons, Nickajack, Cats and Bass, 12-22-12, Solo
I spent a long day catfishing and bass fishing. I started out putting some gigantic bluegill in the boat for catfish bait. 2 of the gills went 10 inches long, impressive battle on ultra light tackle. I went downriver to catfish, and also searched for bait. I managed to cast net some gizzard shad. The upriver holes are dead as far as catfish, they must have dropped way back when we had little rain October/November. I managed smallmouth bites in 3 spots, a few on a current break, and 2 quality fish in 20 ft holes downriver. One smallie was a toad for sure, thought it was a drum for a minute or two it took so long to surface. All my bites were on gizzard shad around 6-8 inches long. I didn't bring any shiners as I wanted to try just natural bait. A few toads came unbuttoned, guess I didn't let them have the big shad long enough. Way downriver, I did manage a 33 lb blue that put up quite the tussle in good current and 25 ft of water. They seem to fight better in shallower water. <br /><br />Here's my dilemma, I want to catch giant cats, but they don't seem to be in the river holes. I'm also addicted to smallmouth, so what's a guy to do? Good problem to have I guess. I might have to do a few combo lake/river trips to try for both. Honestly, not much beats an aggressive smallmouth fight. It's addictive, and they are filled out and healthy this time of year.

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shsimons, Nickajack, Cats and Bass, 12-22-12, Solo - by FishNews - 12-27-2012, 10:00 AM

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