01-14-2013, 01:05 PM
[quote TheScout]Does the hideout model come with a sled?[/quote]
The hidout IS a sled. I have one too - and yeah the sled has weight from the poles, tent, and floor, plus with a wide flat presentation - it can be a pain to pull. I'm thinking about fashioning a ski-rack system I could strap it onto. Reduce the dreaded F coefficent.
[center][inline IceHole.jpg]
But it also serves AS a sled - so you can dump all your gear in, and go. And once it's setup - you have a 3-hole, 4 if you wanna get cozy on 'em, zone of open ground. And you sit in the sled, so out of the snow ice. I would recommend an ice anchor. Big winds doth blow!
[inline IH4.Holee-Success.jpg]
One thing I don't love - it having a flat roof, if it's WET out, it'll drip. But I also like having the headroom to stand up freely. Do enough hunching in the chairs!
[inline Ia1.ShackedfromWind.png]
The hidout IS a sled. I have one too - and yeah the sled has weight from the poles, tent, and floor, plus with a wide flat presentation - it can be a pain to pull. I'm thinking about fashioning a ski-rack system I could strap it onto. Reduce the dreaded F coefficent.
[center][inline IceHole.jpg]
But it also serves AS a sled - so you can dump all your gear in, and go. And once it's setup - you have a 3-hole, 4 if you wanna get cozy on 'em, zone of open ground. And you sit in the sled, so out of the snow ice. I would recommend an ice anchor. Big winds doth blow!
[inline IH4.Holee-Success.jpg]
One thing I don't love - it having a flat roof, if it's WET out, it'll drip. But I also like having the headroom to stand up freely. Do enough hunching in the chairs!
[inline Ia1.ShackedfromWind.png]