01-30-2013, 06:00 PM
Can you give us some information on how much it would cost to treat Red Fleet?
If the lake is very lightly utilized and your goal is to punish/ discourage bucket biologist, what cost is the state of Utah willing to spend on a place like Red Fleet?Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming you'd do this at low water in the fall. Even then it's likely to cost several hundred thousand dollars. With over 50 illegal introductions mentioned I seem to be missing the explanation why Red Fleet is getting a priority consideration. Would that money be better spent on increase patrolling of waters and rewards for reporting illegal activities? It seems that knowing you're more likely to get caught will discourage a lot more than knowing they may eventually treated the waters with illegal introductions.
If the lake is very lightly utilized and your goal is to punish/ discourage bucket biologist, what cost is the state of Utah willing to spend on a place like Red Fleet?Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming you'd do this at low water in the fall. Even then it's likely to cost several hundred thousand dollars. With over 50 illegal introductions mentioned I seem to be missing the explanation why Red Fleet is getting a priority consideration. Would that money be better spent on increase patrolling of waters and rewards for reporting illegal activities? It seems that knowing you're more likely to get caught will discourage a lot more than knowing they may eventually treated the waters with illegal introductions.