02-11-2002, 04:58 PM
For river fishing I like to tie my own leaders at home.<br>I will use a #4 arbordein hook<br>Colored spoons<br>Colored beads.<br>twelve pound test leader line fifteen pound test reel line.<br><br>I will put 5 – 7 beads (depending on spoon size) then a spoon (spinner) then 2 – 3 beads, for bait I will use a leach, crawler, or minnow. <br><br>Experiments with color variations dose seem to make a difference form one day to the next or one area to the next.<br><br>All these products are available here at <A HREF="http://www.BIGFISHTACKLE.com" target="_new">http://www.BIGFISHTACKLE.com</A><br><br>If the wind is right (follows the river) I will drift down river using an egg sinker tied above my swivel to bounce off the bottom of the river.<br><br>or troll about 7 miles per hour down stream 3 miles per hour up stream.<br><br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown