02-23-2013, 12:03 AM
I've had manual Cannons and Penns. Both are nice, but I like the Cannons much better since the clutch is easier to use and you can do it with one hand. With the Penn you have to put your rod in a holder and then use your extra hand to relase the clutch. I've had both brands for over 15 years and have never had either break down. The Cannon also has a digital counter and the Penns have a dial which is not nearly as accurate (and I've tested both against my depth finder). I also have one electric Cannon and its awesome. Especially when the fishing is fast. Just flip the switch and the ball comes up....no cranking. The newer Sport Troll Cannons have a high speed (3:1) ratio compared to my older Sport Troll model which was a 1:1 ratio. If you're fishing in deep water (80-120') the higher speed is definitely an advantage. Finally, the mount on the Cannon that you screw to your boat is about 1/2" tall and about 4"x4" square. The Penn mount is about 3" tall and about a 4" diameter circle. I like the lower profile mount myself.