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Bear Lakes Stinky Whitefish
First time poster here. Just thought I would give my .02 here. I believe this post was about whitefish, and which was better eating. I would like opt hear everyone's opinion about what fish is better to eat. I love to catch and eat whitefish. both taste good to me, but I get more meat for my limit out of the Bonneville.

In regards to catching them while they are spawning..... does it really matter? There is only about 5 or 6 weeks a year when they can be effectively targeted. The pressure during those 6 weeks is usually focused on trout. I highly doubt that a few limits of whitefish during a 6 week period is going to crash the species.

If people are going to catch grief about fishing for them during their spawns, we just as well stop fishing all together. Rainbows and Cutts spawn in the spring, so we had better not fish for them anywhere they exist during that time. Perch and Burbot are winter spawners so we had better not ice fish for them either. Blue gills in the spring are fun to fish for, but they are spawning so we had batter not fish for them, and bass too while we are at it.

It all boils down to being a responsible angler, and not keeping our limits of fish every day, or every weekend for that matter, that we go out. I love to catch all fish, but will sometimes keep a single fish, sometimes a limit. Trophy fish always go back if they have the power to swim off on their own.

I'm more concerned about the guys that are exceptional fishermen that keep their limit of big fish every time they go out, regardless of when those particular fish are spawning. They are not breaking the law though, so I won't criticize them for their actions

Sorry for the vent. Too many people on this site jump on people for their right to fish, and harvest fish.

Messages In This Thread
Bear Lakes Stinky Whitefish - by cuthroat_guy - 02-25-2013, 05:23 PM
Re: [cuthroat_guy] Bear Lakes Stinky Whitefish - by not-a-purist - 02-26-2013, 02:04 AM

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