02-26-2013, 02:47 AM
Sauger do well in lakes - Rainy, Lake of the Woods and Kabetogma in MN are full of them. They will stay deep in lakes and seldom get over 16" - not a better option IMO. Saugeyes will reproduce very well on their own if conditions are right and just as difficult to catch as walleyes. I lived in MN and WI for over twenty years so I have a lot of experience in fishing for these species. Average angler in MN spends 8hrs to catch one walleye FYI. Trout are a lot easier to target and catch which is why UT anglers tend not be walleye fans. And bows and brown will outfight a walleye anyday of the week. I still for eyes at Starvy but I am not in favor of planting any of the walleye species just for another catching opportunity. tocking 'em doesn't mean the majority of UT anglers will catch them.