02-27-2013, 12:49 AM
[quote Therapist] Saugers are usually found in areas with high turbidity, low channel slope, low stream velocity, and deep water.[url "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauger#cite_note-Kuhn_et_al.-2"][2][/url] Saugers tend to select pools with sand and silt substrates, and habitat features that provide cover from the river current.[url "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauger#cite_note-Amadio_et_al.-4"][[/url]
Not to belabor the point, they just don't belong in Utah !![/quote]
Sounds an awful lot like The Bear River in Cache Valley. Not that I think we should put them in there, there's already a pretty wide array of fish living in that river, but I think they would do okay in there.
Not to belabor the point, they just don't belong in Utah !![/quote]
Sounds an awful lot like The Bear River in Cache Valley. Not that I think we should put them in there, there's already a pretty wide array of fish living in that river, but I think they would do okay in there.