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how to add oars to a float tube?
Hello there. The bits and pieces arrived last week to convert my tube (dinghy oarlocks and tie-down straps) and Sunday, I set about putting everything together.
A mate of mine suggested gluing but I couldn't find the correct type of glue for the tube material - anyway, the space is a bit restricted to get a really good adhesion.
I actually had to unpick the stitching and remove velcro fasteners on each side but, as I'd never used them anyway, it wasn't a big deal.
I melted two slots in each side of the oarlocks so that the straps could be threaded through. This then passed around the tube while about 85% inflated and secured. I then inflated the final 15% and the grip is incredible - under hard rowing they could slip I suppose but I'm not intending to go out for speed rowing!
I did cut two pieces of dense rubber matting to fit underneath each oar lack to add a little grip and, ideally, there should be something more rigid glued to the bottom of each one as the PVC the locks are made of, is quite soft and tends to deflect. It's really just cosmetic though.
I'll post pictures the first time I use the new system!

Messages In This Thread
how to add oars to a float tube? - by Alan_Ang - 07-09-2009, 07:31 AM
Re: [pontoonman] how to add oars to a float tube? - by Skyepiker - 03-07-2013, 11:34 AM

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