03-07-2013, 03:16 PM
My customers and I have been using 42-inch and 45-inch rods I'm building for the Gorge and catching fish to up over 40 pounds with them. Lots and lots of big fish that eat 20" Scofield-sized fish for breakfast. We fish 5-10 inch tube jigs with these rods, even though they're very light rods. However, I put 6 guides on them to spread out the pressure on the rod. They never break at the handle. Yours that's pictured doesn't have enough guides in my opinion. The cork/reel seat doesn't look too sturdy on your Croix either. I'm just saying, its not always the rod's fault. Rods break, and every single time its caused by man. They break on my boat too if not handled properly. They're all designed for a specific application. Exceed that, and they break. Mine will work for 20-inchers or 40-pounders. Here's a couple of pictures. They're IM-6 graphite, meaning fairly soft/light. All I use is 12 lb. line. If the drags are set right, guys can set the hook clear to the moon without breaking the rod (or catching the fish!) You can find yourself a bigger stick that's still in a length you prefer for fishing larger baits, bigger fish, and stronger hook-sets if that's your style. Or as you put it, an "ice-pole."