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ranger23, Lake Wylie, SC, LM, 3/10/13, solo
It's been a long time since I posted on here. Haven't fished much as we've been moving in to our new house, blah blah blah.<br />I've been jealous reading the reports of the monster weights being caught on the Chick lately. The Chick is getting a lot of pub.<br /><br />Anyways, I went out on Lake Wylie, SC today for 3 hours. I fished main lake points mostly. I missed one early on using a Jerry Malone jig.<br />Found a point that the wind was pounding and started chucking a lipless crankbait. First cast I got a nice 3lb'er and then ended up getting about a 2.5lb'er.<br />Water temps here are anywhere from 50-53degrees. Fish seem to still be in pre-spawn mode and not moved all the way into the creeks and coves.<br />Lake Wylie is a grassless, clear lake with plenty of 2-4 lber's for fun.<br />Winning bag at a tournament yesterday was 22lbs. Not bad, but amazing that it's almost 1/2 of what the Chick is producing.

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ranger23, Lake Wylie, SC, LM, 3/10/13, solo - by FishNews - 03-11-2013, 09:00 AM

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