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gene0122, Chickamauga, White Crappie, 3/22/2013
Figured I'd do a little fishing after getting off work so made my way to the chic to search for crappie.<br />First thing I noticed was the water was way down and I wasn't so sure about the boat ramp but I did manage to launch and re-trailer without too much difficulty.<br />Second thing I noticed was that I sure didn't bring enough clothing along. Brrr Don't thing the sun ever got through the clouds all day.<br />Marked lots of fish and baitfish up in the creeks at 53* early but was not very successful.<br />Decided to give it up and move on out to the main lake where I targeted off shore brush piles in 50* water from 8 - 15 ft of water. All but limited out on this one brush pile in 8ft of water. Went to another brush pile in 15ft of water to finish off the limit with a few to boot. The ones that did not make the team was fun also. I was amazed my entire catch was 99% white crappie. Things on Chick have changed. Tried a few colors of baits but the solid black BG Shad shined on this overcast day. Released my limit of fish after I called it a day.<br />

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gene0122, Chickamauga, White Crappie, 3/22/2013 - by FishNews - 03-25-2013, 09:00 AM

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