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BearLake report 111503 - Fishing with BLM
Nice fish kids,"That BLM guys is one hell of a good guy"Glad to see you guys got into some!! My brother and I hit the water at 7 today and headed for the rockpile lots of fish stacked up in about 57' but no takers,we saw a couple fish cought but not a lot, 4 other boats on the pile all day but they did not stay long. The water was pretty smooth all day but it rained and snowed all day!!! 1 white fish and a few hits&misses but like BLM says "I will catch my share this winter"!!I think I must have stood too close to the IceFishingGod last weekend ,because our luck was a lot worse then his[Wink]M.H.

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Re: [polokid] BearLake report 111503 - Fishing with BLM - by muskyhunter - 11-17-2003, 01:13 AM

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