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Koke Guys, this aint good....
I personally think all the time and money to stop the invasive species is like peeing in the wind. It may get slowed down, but it cannot be stopped by policing the humans! Birds transport those little buggars, and they sure cant stop that. I think they should spend the money on research to find some kind of toxin that will specifically target those critters. Mussels are coming whether any state agency wants it or not. I have no problem paying the fee, just spend the money where it might actually help one day. [img]about:blank[/img][img]about:blank[/img]

Messages In This Thread
Koke Guys, this aint good.... - by WestFork - 04-09-2013, 10:35 PM
Re: [kokeking] Koke Guys, this aint good.... - by Theekillerbee - 04-10-2013, 03:35 AM

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