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Best choice for a river net?
Just be sure to get one with rubber netting. Its easier on the fish, and your flies don't get caught or tangled in it. Also, if you need a net in the first place, make sure its big enough for a 20-24 inch fish to fit in easily. Some on the market are pretty small, but you don't need a net for 12-inchers! Wood looks nice and generally lasts, aluminum is lighter. Prices range from "affordable" that are pretty good, to "expensive" like my 25-year-old Brodin boat net that's still working fine. (bought in '88 for guiding on the Green). I did replace the old cotton mesh with rubber a few years back. Now its really nice!

Messages In This Thread
Best choice for a river net? - by UsualSuspect - 04-10-2013, 10:58 PM
Re: [UsualSuspect] Best choice for a river net? - by Tarponjim - 04-10-2013, 11:53 PM

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