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Yfz45011, rock island, bass & crappie, 4-12-13, gf and puppy
Got off work this morning and decided to take my gf fishing. She's been in a slump and hasn't caught a fish in a good while. We also decided to take our boxer with us. She finally got out of her slump today and started catching fish with the first one being a huge 14" crappie on a blade. Biggest crappie either of us has ever caught. Caught 3 other crappie on blade and crankbait while trying to find a couple bass for tom. We caught a couple but only managed one keeper while trying different spots than last weekend. Overall we had a good day. The dog had to sniff and lick the tail of almost all fish we caught. Crappie going to be some good eating here in a few. Water temp was 60 when we left at lunch with good water color. Not exactly clear but not staind. Would post pics but my phone never lets me post em.

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Yfz45011, rock island, bass & crappie, 4-12-13, gf and puppy - by FishNews - 04-13-2013, 09:00 AM

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