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Koke Guys, this aint good....
[quote mtncat1]yeah you got me,i guess all those burbot came up from the utah side not down the green. don't worry though we utards will keep paying and paying so wyoming doesn,t have to.[/quote]

LOL i figured you was blowing smoke,instead of offering up some real proof. i know exactly how burbot got into the green,then into the gorge. I know that burbot started out in the big sandy resivior. but what i don't know, for a fact is how they got into the big sandy resivior,do you?

I'm very courious to how you Utards (your words) are paying for the burbot in the gorge. Please enlighten me,as to what cost is past on to out of state boaters.

Messages In This Thread
Koke Guys, this aint good.... - by WestFork - 04-09-2013, 10:35 PM
Re: [mtncat1] Koke Guys, this aint good.... - by kokeking - 04-13-2013, 10:35 PM

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