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Looking for a Fishing Rod/Reel for Freshwater and Saltwater! Help!

I'm still pretty new to fishing and was wondering if anyone can give me a few recommendations, I would like a Fishing Rod (2 Piece) and Reel (bait Feeder), Freshwater and Saltwater, $150 budget

I will be taking two fishing trips in a few weeks

1. Fresh Water, Pond , mostly sunfish and catfish

2. Salt Water, mostly Blue fish

What Fishing Rod (2 Piece)? (i need it to two pieces for backpacking purposes)

What bait Feeder reel?

What Fish line? lb?

What Fishing lures?

Sinkers? Floaters?


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Looking for a Fishing Rod/Reel for Freshwater and Saltwater! Help! - by AznDragon533 - 04-26-2013, 05:36 AM

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