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Willard info (Oil) fishing.
I know this sounds like consiracy theorizing but I am not trusting them with exactly what they tell us. When spills occur, Big Oil is quick to put a lot of money into nat. resource departments for clean up and silence. Such chemicals are nasty, persistent, and invasive. We may not even see the damage for a year or two as it slowly seeps into the waters and into the food cycle. Even then it could be longer still before said chemicals bioaccumulate into the big predators. I wouldn't advice y'all eat frequent large meals of the fish until they're sure there are no contaminants. And even then I'd be cautious.

I have no evidence of these claims, nor am I collecting any, but I am a biologist and have seen the horrors of spills and how they're hidden from the public eye (e.g. New Orleans marshlands).

Messages In This Thread
Willard info (Oil) fishing. - by FishNCoach - 04-30-2013, 07:28 PM
Re: [RockyRaab] Willard info (Oil) fishing. - by Hornet - 05-01-2013, 01:46 PM

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