05-05-2013, 04:20 PM
Ouch, that sounds like a miserable trip. I count myself lucky then that others on this forum pointed me to the online cert form and information a couple years back: http://wildlife.utah.gov/dwr/invasive-mussels.html
For my float tube I've been taking the online certification test so I can print a reusable cert and not need to refill it out on each body of water. It does not change the requirements to decontaminate, but by the end of the test you are well versed in the differences between self and professional decontamination and that would left you anticipate things better so that a future event would not unfold in the same way it did.
So hopefully your experience and the link to the info/form can help others get up to speed on the requirements and avoid an equally miserable experience such as what you had.
For my float tube I've been taking the online certification test so I can print a reusable cert and not need to refill it out on each body of water. It does not change the requirements to decontaminate, but by the end of the test you are well versed in the differences between self and professional decontamination and that would left you anticipate things better so that a future event would not unfold in the same way it did.
So hopefully your experience and the link to the info/form can help others get up to speed on the requirements and avoid an equally miserable experience such as what you had.