11-21-2003, 04:11 AM
Hi Slayerfish-
Thanks for the info. After posting this I called Lake John and their recording (updated today) said Lake John and the other lakes in that area were all still open water. I heard from a local bait shop that the only safe ice they had heard of was on Georgetown Lake and the Snake River inlet at Dillon. I talked to Elevenmile General Store and they said there is no ice yet and that the few fishermen coming had been hitting some big (7-9 lb. rainbows/cutbows) that are in following the spawning kokanee.
Thanks for the info. After posting this I called Lake John and their recording (updated today) said Lake John and the other lakes in that area were all still open water. I heard from a local bait shop that the only safe ice they had heard of was on Georgetown Lake and the Snake River inlet at Dillon. I talked to Elevenmile General Store and they said there is no ice yet and that the few fishermen coming had been hitting some big (7-9 lb. rainbows/cutbows) that are in following the spawning kokanee.