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Lincoln Beach Bigun'
FishMcFisherson, we don't have Blue Catfish in Utah, nor do we have Flatheads. We only have two species of cats in Utah and that is the Channel Cat and Bullhead Cat (aka "mud cat"). Whoever posted that on the front page caught a nice big male channel catfish, but didn't know the difference. The male channel cats can get a "blue"ish type of that dark grey color and ALWAYS have a head that's wider than the body. Females are usually an olive green color and have narrower heads.

No matter how many times it's been explained on this board over the years by the likes of TubeDude, and others, some good 'ol boys still think we have "blue cats" in Utah Lake and other fisheries because of that dark grey color and the larger heads on the males which seem to confuse these folks into thinking that it's a totally different species, when in fact, it's just a large male channel cat.

Happy fishin!

Messages In This Thread
Lincoln Beach Bigun' - by Boatloadakids - 05-10-2013, 06:56 PM
Re: [FishMcFisherson] Lincoln Beach Bigun' - by Out4Trout - 05-13-2013, 04:13 AM

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