06-04-2013, 05:41 PM
Some amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing them!
[quote cpierce]I think it is a problem for some people who like to look from work on their breaks. Company network firewalls are sometimes picky about what sites employes can access from work.
It all depends on what the IT dept sets up as "unapproved". Many places will block things like Facebook, youtube, and photosharing / filesharing sites. I'm sure they'll say it's for "security reasons", but I'm betting they block what they deem to be "time-wasters".
[quote cpierce]I think it is a problem for some people who like to look from work on their breaks. Company network firewalls are sometimes picky about what sites employes can access from work.
It all depends on what the IT dept sets up as "unapproved". Many places will block things like Facebook, youtube, and photosharing / filesharing sites. I'm sure they'll say it's for "security reasons", but I'm betting they block what they deem to be "time-wasters".