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TightlineT, Chick, Bass/crappie, 6/13/13, Solo
Went out this morning for the first trip in awhile. Put in at Possum Creek and ran up to Eldridge. Fish were busting the top everywhere, but I could not get a top water bite. I don't know what I was doing wrong. Found what looked to be some fish on the graph and started fishing. They were stacked up like crappie, but no size. The wind was terrible and I left them biting to hit a spot back in the creek. No good. As I idled by the bridge piling, looked like some fish...caught 11 crappie. Only 2 or 3 would have kept. Had to get back home, so put her on the trailer. The bass were not much size, but if they are still around there it would be a good place to take a kid learning how to fish a worm. They were on the lower point of where Eldridge comes into the channel. Boat in 25' throwing up on the point. The ONLY thing I could get them to hit was A old monster worm in green pumpkin. I tried several cb and spinnerbaits cause the wind was killing me with that worm. Not a single bite. See ya on the water....Jim

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TightlineT, Chick, Bass/crappie, 6/13/13, Solo - by FishNews - 06-15-2013, 09:00 AM

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