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Furled Leaders v. Regular Leaders
Im also in the FG furled leader club... Ive been using them for about 4 or 5 yrs. The only time ive had to replace one has been when ive managed to get it into and impossible tangled knot of death.. and had to cut it.One time my loop connection broke ( not the loop on the furled ) and it went swimming down stream with a big brown.. Funny thing is a few weeks later when the water came down a bit I found it snagged around some brush. All.that was missing was my fly and the guessing a raccoon had a good meal. Anyways It was still in. good shape and still have it as a backup.

Messages In This Thread
Furled Leaders v. Regular Leaders - by TroutMan93 - 06-18-2013, 11:12 PM
Re: [TroutMan93] Furled Leaders v. Regular Leaders - by JLG78 - 06-20-2013, 02:23 AM

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