06-24-2013, 06:48 PM
For cats I use 12lb trilene xl. You can't horse big cats too hard just steady pressure till they tire. Cats have red muscle which has incredible endurance much like carp. Do a trilene knot. I catch males with a tube jig white bass size, 1 and a half inch tipped with carp, white bass or crawler. Yes I do jig it actively. I've also used 50lb spider wire with a 1/0 gamakatsu offset shank bass hook. This rig you can pull harder lol. Any bait works including bar s hotdogs lol. Got a 19lb channel this way one time when sight fishing lmb. This monster channel floated up and cruised around so pitched it some bait. Watched it slurp it in. 25 min battle even on 50lb braid.