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[size 2][cool]Hey, BLM, happy T-Day. Part of the planned gathering fell through, when my daughter and her family had to cancel at the last minute. But the "Tubin' Trio" is making the best of it. Will probably post a report and some pics after we finish our assault on the waters Friday.[/size]

[size 2]Went out for awhile yesterday and the weather was better than the fishing. I was top rod with a 7.2 pound cat. We are going out again Friday.[/size]

[size 2]Did all your tribe make it in okay?[/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Thanksgiving Funnies [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• Why do people buy their Thanksgiving Day Turkeys in Los Angeles? Because they all had breast enlargements! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• What sound does a space turkey make? Hubble, Hubble, Hubble! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• Why should you keep your eye off the turkey dressing? Because it makes him blush! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their age! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• How do you make a turkey float? You need 2 scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a turkey! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• What kind of music did the Pilgrims like? Plymouth Rock! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• How do you know your family is dysfunctional? If Thanksgiving Dinner consists of Wild Turkey instead of roasted turkey! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children? If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy! [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]• How do you hold a turkey in suspense? [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Got Ya [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]===================== [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]ALL-PRO TURKEY [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]The pro football team had just finished their daily practice session when a large turkey came strutting onto the field. While the players gazed in amazement, the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded a tryout. Everyone stared in silence as the turkey caught pass after pass and ran right through the defensive line. [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]When the turkey returned to the sidelines, the coach shouted, "You're terrific!!! Sign up for the season, and I'll see to it that you get a huge bonus." "Forget the bonus," the turkey said, [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]"All I want to know is, does the season go past Thanksgiving Day?" [/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]

Messages In This Thread
everyone - by aquaman - 11-26-2003, 08:14 PM
Re: [aquaman] everyone - by BEARCLAW - 11-26-2003, 08:34 PM
Re: [aquaman] everyone - by MrLipripper - 11-26-2003, 08:41 PM
Re: [MrLipripper] everyone - by wiperhunter2 - 11-27-2003, 06:13 PM
Re: [MrLipripper] everyone - by Bigfishrule - 11-28-2003, 06:13 AM
Re: [aquaman] everyone - by Theekillerbee - 11-27-2003, 12:29 AM
Re: [Theekillerbee] everyone - by Teroy - 11-27-2003, 12:37 AM
Re: [aquaman] everyone - by TheJensenKid15 - 11-27-2003, 01:05 AM
Re: [aquaman] everyone - by TubeDude - 11-27-2003, 12:48 PM
Re: [TubeDude] everyone - by BearLakeMack - 11-27-2003, 12:50 PM
Re: [BearLakeMack] everyone - by TubeDude - 11-27-2003, 01:00 PM

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