06-25-2013, 09:09 PM
Because line is so expensive now, here is a tip to help lessen the overall cost. Get some cotton string, I use package twine, un waxed. On your new spool, wrap string till you are within 1/4 to 3/16ths of an inch of the lip of the spool. Then spool on your line. You should be able to put about 50 - 60 yds on your spool, which is more than enough for most freshwater applications. That way you will get 4-6 refills off of one filler spool ( 200 -300 yds). All the line at the bottom of the spool is wasted and putting that much mono/fluro/braid is a waste. The string also cushions the line, which exerts a great deal of pressure on the spool and can even cause it to split. I am old fashioned and still use mono for most of my fishing. by using string to arbor the spool, I can change my line 3-4 times a year, keep my line fresh, and not have to worry about deteriorating due to sun and such !!