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MrWiskers, Chick, Crappie, 6-24-2013, cuonthelake
<br /> Got out yesterday afternoon with Candi to show her how I use my SI to find crappie. We stated out on the same bluff as Sunday and the fish were still there. We boated one after another with a few 12 inches and Candi got our biggest of the day right at 13 inches. A small rain cloud came up and the wind started to blow like crazy and the fish just shut down. This is twice now that I have been on the water and had the crappie stop biting during a storm/rain. Strange. <br /> We hit a dock real quick to check it out and boated a few more. Headed up the bluff we had been doing real well on the past few weeks and the fish were still there but they were very negative. The wind was blowing pretty good at this point and it made for some tough fishing but we stuck with it and boated a few. Hit a few more spots on the bluff and a tree top before headed back down river to finish our day on another dock. <br /> Again the fish were very negative but I think we got 5-6 off this dock and Candi lost a good fish. We never saw the fish but it did not fight like a cat and no slim on the line. Could have been a 3 lb crappie or a bass, not sure. <br /> We ended our day with 60 crappie in the boat with 25 or so keepers, 2 bluegill, 3 spots, 1 LM and 1 white stripe. Could not get the stripe to commit but did get to show Candi how to catch at least one of them. Fish were again pretty shallow in the water column, between 3-7 feet tonight with some of them coming off dry rocks they were so close to the bank. <br /> Candi is the 56th CFFer I have fished with so far. This is what the forum is all about, getting out and sharing information. Even though she went with me to learn more at the SI, I learned a little trick from her on how to fish laydown weedless. Fun stuff.

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MrWiskers, Chick, Crappie, 6-24-2013, cuonthelake - by FishNews - 06-27-2013, 09:00 AM

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