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BassERT, Chickamauga, White Bass and Crappie, 6-21~6-24-13, Only me and Saturday Mrs. BassERT
<br /> I went out Friday and checked some regular spots for the next day with my wife.<br /> It was her B'Day emoParty and I needed to find some volunteers for her to play with.<br /> Water was 76-80 and stained as usual and I tried some different colors and weights.<br /> 24 and 32 BGBS was best around docks while the BGMM and 16 was the ticket on off shore structure <br /> I quit after 11:00 and went home<br /> <br /> Saturday Susan wanted to fish for her B'day and we cracked the dawn and got on some whites and a LM.<br /> It got slow real fast, so I asked and she wanted to pound some crappie. We went to a spot where we could stay in one place.<br /> Right there she caught a nice white and plenty of blacks as she was hooking up on every cast emoAngler emoApplause <br /> It was her day and we quit counting at 58 (you know her B'day)<br /> When she started to get into nap mode we hauled out and went home<br /> A pic<br /> <br /> Sunday was a friend That wanted to go and we went to the simplest places I could find for him to fish.<br /> He doesn't fish much and I needed to keep it simple.<br /> Ron can testify to his casting ability as he told me he was told to relax, and when he did, he threw the whole rig in the water.<br /> I told him to not relax, but to slow down and I still have my gear.<br /> Ron, I think I'm lucky emoDance <br /> We had a good time and left when the water became crowded. BTW he has the shooting thing down pretty well now so he is catching more fish lately/<br /> We had 10 white bass and around 40 crappie all sizes. All released.<br /> <br /> Today I went to see if the whites were home. They avoided my hook, but I had a nice 3.5 TGF that jumped everywhere, but my UL handled him well.<br /> Then I heard a noise like drumming behind me and turned and ducked as 4 wild turkeys buzzed me before hitting the land.<br /> It was beautiful watching them land with all feathers splayed out.<br /> I caught a few crappie after that, but no numbers...mostly boat riding and watching guys driving, burning gas and watching their wide-screens for the FLW.<br /> Got out by 11:30<br /> <br /> Fun fishing <br /> <br /> emoCool

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BassERT, Chickamauga, White Bass and Crappie, 6-21~6-24-13, Only me and Saturday Mrs. BassERT - by FishNews - 06-27-2013, 09:00 AM

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