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Willard has been pretty decent this week
Biblical reference? LOL, not likely but it is way out in the open, in most locations around the Bay there is some reference to what is nearby, like the Feedlot, Freeway bay, Light pole, what is in that location, Openess, hence the name. Those of us that fish the Bay often, have known of the location for years but this is the first year I have done good there on a regular bases. I think that will change soon because of all the shad we are now seeing but one thing that I was not aware of, until this year, is how far the Openess extends to the East.
I hate to see what is coming, I fear we are in for the low water years again. With the Bay not filling this year because of the Chevron fuel line break and not much water being held in Echo, because of the Dam repair, they will likely suck Willard very low this year and these hot temps sure do not help matters. If we have another poor winter, because of lack of snow, it is likey that launching will be tough by next year at this time. I hope I'm wrong but it seems these things go in a 10 year cycle and I think we are starting early[frown].

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Re: [Old_Coot] Willard has been pretty decent this week - by wiperhunter2 - 07-01-2013, 03:19 AM

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