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takenoprisoners, Chickamauga, Crappie (and an accidental alligator), 6-28-13, CoCo
Got on the water around 8:30 p.m., tooled around for a few minutes, then caught a few at HBSP. After that, scooted in the dark to a dock. Decided to try out my new cheap-o light underwater, and she worked like a champ.<br /><br />In the end, Coco brought in 17 (most crappie), and his grand finale was a gar. Scared us a bit, as it was dark and didn't expect to pull that goofy thing up. When it got to the boat, I told him not to let that thing in the boat. And then it broke his line. Coco was rather excited.<br /><br />I got 14, so Co beat me. Which is good. Always good to let kids beat you at stuff - especially when they beat you when you're trying. Hahaha... (But I did get the biggest, which is pictured...12 inches. Yeah, not a monster, but bigger than the others.)<br /><br />Called it a night at about 1 a.m., when the weather turned foul.<br /><br />Anyway, soon after, I had Co up to the house to clean the catch (we took home 8), and if he keeps catching and cleaning, he'll be mighty efficient in the near future.<br /><br />Good times...

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takenoprisoners, Chickamauga, Crappie (and an accidental alligator), 6-28-13, CoCo - by FishNews - 07-02-2013, 09:00 AM

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