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Tangled, Chick, Bass, 7/4 and 7/5, Grandson
Well the flw is gone and the rain still persists.but I managed about an hour and a half on the water and I had just bought a large rapla jointed crank bait in the fire tiger color so I tied it on and the second cast in the mouth of old Washington creek I hooked a large fish that pulled and fought for all it was worth. It never did come to the top so I figured I had hooked a good catfish . I told my grandson that I had a nice fish but it want a bass. Finally I got the fish bout 15 feet from the boat and it starts to rise and when it broke water I told him to grab the net because to my surprise I had a nice fat large mouth on the other end that I would guess to run round 6 lbs. I was really surprised because it fought hard but never did break water.never caught another fish that day because the boat decided it didn't want to start. Finally got it fired off so I came on home . Went out yesterday and threw a ole monster green pumpkin on a 6 ot hook in heavy current and the mouth of purser slough. And the third cast I hooked a fish that was pulling line so I thought I had a catfish again and it never broke water the same as the day before but it turned out to be another large bass around. 5 to 6 lb range ,maybe larger. Fished about twenty minutes longer and caught another short fish . We were going. To move to another. Hole and the boat pulled the same junk it did the day before,so. WhenI got It started I brought it home.had a couple good catches in a few short times but won't be going back out until I figure out what is ailing my boat. emoBang emoBang if I can figure out this iPad I will post pictures in the photo room lol

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Tangled, Chick, Bass, 7/4 and 7/5, Grandson - by FishNews - 07-07-2013, 09:00 AM

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