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Jmax, Chick, Bass, Action Alarms 4th tournament report, 7/4/13, Derek
It seemed to not be our day right off. I could not get my trailer lights to come on and it took a while to get those working. Then when getting to the ramp my front light on my boat would not work. Try as I would we never got that one on and had to rig it. emoBang Then the rain started and delayed the blast off by about 10 to 15 minutes. Got everyone off and took off behind the crowd. Went a couple hundred yards and my boat shut down. emoBang It dawned on me that in the effort to fix the light I forgot to turn on my gas switch. emoBang Flipped on the switch and pumped the bulb. Finally got the gas flowing again and started it up. emoRolleyes Got to our first stop and just knew we could have a limit in no time. NOPE!...we have been killing them on cranks first thing in the morning but not that day. We could not get them to chase to save our life. Managed a couple shorts but that was it on a crank. Changed to a big worm and a shakey. Finally a good 45 minutes into our day I get one to load up. Never felt it hit but the line was going off to the side. Set the hook and it hauls to the boat. Derek asking if I need a net and at that second I had no idea. Then I catch up to her and the rod doubles. emoEek Good fish and I yell to get the net. She comes up jumping by the boat and she looks to be around 4.5 to 5 lbs. She dives back down as I am reaching for the drag to loosen it and before I could....POW!....line breaks. emoBang Yep, this day is not going as planned.<br /><br />Now we are both upset to loose such a good one right off. Make a few more casts and one hits it again. This time all goes as it should and a nice one at 3 lbs and 4 ozes comes into the boat. emoThumbsup That is when the little fish program started for us. We caught several more but all shorts. Then saw some schooling and moved over to those. We could hook up easily but all shorts. Left those schooling knowing we needed better fish for the tournament. Hit several places that normally holds good fish for us but only managed a couple more small keepers in the 2 pound class. One on a swim and one on a big worm. One thing about a four hour tournament it is over before you know it. emoScratch Looked at the watch and only had an hour left. Made one more move and again shorts with only one small keeper that would not help. Not much to show for our efforts. Our three would go about 7.5 lbs but we did not weigh them before seeing that it was a waste and would just stress the fish. Took 11.57 to get a check in third place and 17.35 to win. emoWorthy I released our three little ones and they hauled off. Two other bass needed rescued that had been released and after fizzing one and taking another out to deeper water they both swam off fine. emoThumbsup <br /><br />Since I was already wet and had no plans I decided to fish a little longer. First stop after leaving HBSP produced a nice keeper at 4 pounds and 2 ozes. emoDoh Figures that now that it did not count I would catch a couple better. I left the bass and changed to crappie. Went to one of my crappie holes and caught a couple messes for the freezer. Got home at 2:30, cleaned the crappie and had one mess for supper last night. emoHungry At least it ended on a good note. emoSmile <br /><br />Thanks to all who came out to fish with us in the rain and a big thanks to Don and Linda Morgan, owners of Action Alarms for sponsoring this tournament and the CFF. emoThanks Please keep in mind they support us so please support them. If you need any alarm service, camera service or fire system service give me a shout. emoAngler Jmax

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Jmax, Chick, Bass, Action Alarms 4th tournament report, 7/4/13, Derek - by FishNews - 07-07-2013, 09:00 AM

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