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suggestions for easy top water lures?
as i mentioned in an earlier post.. i just started lure fishing.. my dad never used them, so i never learned how to use them when i was younger.. but i got some plastic worms set up in a texas rig and a five of diamond spoons that ive been catching a lot of bass with (on the worms) and pike (on the spoon)..

where i fish, the lake is partially drained so theres a lot of seaweed near the surface.. the worm works beautifully as the texas rig prevents snags.. with the spoon, if i keep a steady pace reeling it in, and cast it in the right spots i can avoid the weeds

so im looking for suggestions for some good top water lures that i should look into trying out.. which lures would you suggest and why, and what sort of fish am i likely to catch on such a lure?

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suggestions for easy top water lures? - by jason41987 - 07-10-2013, 03:51 AM

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