07-17-2013, 03:07 AM
I don't know the requirements for Kayaks. But I do know that your hands are going to be full keeping your place in the river. That doesn't leave a hand for the rod. I use my feet to keep my place in the river. Also to keep me out of trouble. When your fighting a fish the boat will pull right over the fish. That will leave you in line of fire if the fish jumps. If you have both hands on the rod which you will need you won't be able to get away from it. I am sure that someone has done it and would be a better person to help you with. Just be very careful. Use a short rod 7 to 8 foot max. Use hatchery morts or carp for bait. There are a lot of holes that you could use. You will have to see how they will work for your kind of boat. Ron