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Jordanelle Perch Search 7-15-13
[#0000FF]You make another good point...the plight of shore anglers...many of whom have spouses and/or small children with them. They should not have to endure what the power squadron dishes out...just to show off their rides or demonstrate their tastes in music...or to let people know how profane and stupid they can be.

Ya know, I have never heard Bach, Beethoven or Mozart blasting from any of those noise polluters. Wonder why? Sometimes hear some good modern pop or country music but when it assaults your eardrums at 200 decibels it don't sound quite so good. I suspect that both the language and the antisocial music are intended to gross out everybody else. It works.

Most state parks and other campgrounds have noise ordinances for after hours ruckus...but only in the camping areas. Nothing about on the lake. I suspect that the problem is enforcement. Pretty much like municipal noise laws. The officers can issue a citation only if they personally witness the violation. On the water you can see a ranger boat approaching from a distance...time enough to hide the beer cans and turn the music down. Even complaints by multiple folks who were victims of the offenders cannot get them cited. Officers have to witness it or the judge will pitch the ticket.

Once again, the laws seem to be slanted toward those who care not about others rather than for those who are offended.

Messages In This Thread
Jordanelle Perch Search 7-15-13 - by TubeDude - 07-16-2013, 07:50 PM
Re: [TroutBumDave] Jordanelle Perch Search 7-15-13 - by TubeDude - 07-18-2013, 03:44 PM

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