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Share your input on fishing license changes
I have a few answers, thoughts and comments, but there's something else I should mention first:

At the northern region RAC meeting (scheduled for Aug. 7 at 6 p.m. in Brigham City), Drew Cushing will present an informational item to the RAC about Willard Bay and the inlet issue from this past spring. That item is listed near the bottom of the agenda because it will only occur in one region. (Drew is our warmwater fisheries coordinator and goes by the name "dowhatwecan" here on BFT.) I know he has already posted about this issue and chatted with many of you. This is not an action item, just an informational one to bring the RAC members up to speed on the topic. All of the fishing regulation proposals for the 2014 season will go out to the RACs in September.

On the subject of RAC locations: The RAC meeting locations shift from time to time, but the main goal is to keep them at fairly central places within the regional boundaries. (So Logan residents don't have to drive all the way to Ogden, Nephi residents don't have to drive all the way to Salt Lake, etc.) One other thing to consider is that the final decisions are all made in Salt Lake. On this particular issue, the RAC meetings are just the first step. These fee proposals will go to the RACs, the Wildlife Board, the governor's office, a legislative subcommittee, and the full legislature. If passed at all levels, the changes will go into effect on July 1, 2014. So, I guess I'm saying there will be additional opportunities to weigh in on this topic in the Salt Lake area, particularly at the board meeting. And, again, if you can't attend the meetings, please feel free to email your RAC members, RAC chairs and Wildlife Board members.

On the question of replacement licenses: The license-replacement fee is not on the proposed fee schedule. As far as I know, it will still be $10.

General thoughts: Although there has been a lot of discussion here — with many diverging views and preferences — I don't believe that many of our RAC members look at these discussion forums. A proposal can have tons of quiet support, but if those who make the final recommendations or decisions don't know about the support, they might act differently than they would if they heard from hundreds of people.

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Re: Share your input on fishing license changes - by AmyC - 07-30-2013, 10:23 PM

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