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TyeDye's epic Yellowstone Adventure!
Nice report and great pic's TDT. I love the effort that goes into your photographs... anyone can "point & click", but there's a lot to be said about; perspective, shot framing, using available light, editing, and just being creative... all your shots reflect that. Good stuff! [Wink]

Funny - I was there at nearly the same time with my daughter (July 22-26). We did well on Cutt's on Soda Butte in the Lamar valley and browns/rainbows on the Gibbon above Madison Junction.

Regarding the fishing, especially in Jul/Aug, definitely consult a fly shop next time. I know one of the posters joked about it, but Yellowstone has specific rules and the fisheries are ever changing. For example, a respectable fly shop owner should have told you;
--that section of the Yellowstone River is not what it was 10 years ago as far as fish numbers go
--The meadows at Slough Creek are the hardest hit waters in the park... super picky, over caught, and slightly abused fish. You can get that right here in the Provo River. [cool]
--and that the Madison River was actually closed to fishing daily from 2pm-midnight starting the week of July 15 due to elevated water temperatures.
--Also, the entire Yellowstone area is about as fertile water as you'll find anywhere and hatches vary (greatly) across the park... picking up a few specific patterns - always a good idea.

I understand it's not all about the catching while you're there... but you're entitled to have your cake and eat it too on occasion. [cool]

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Re: [TyeDyeTwins] TyeDye's epic Yellowstone Adventure! - by Joe_Dizzy - 08-05-2013, 07:10 PM

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