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9 mile/ pallisade question....
[quote FishMcFisherson]I'm heading down to PaliSades this weekend (the pee puddle one[.img][url "[/img])."][/img]).[/url] What seemed to be working the best? Also, I'm debating taking my tube. Were you fishing from shore?[/quote]

We caught our lone fish on the green powerbait with a worm that was injected with air. Damn section by the huge concrete outlet that's about 6 feet from shore on the side by the wooden fence. There was a large family on the back side (without the road) that had been there all day and got skunked in the main pond area. Sorry 'bout the grammar/sentence structure but the burbon's taken hold Smile

Messages In This Thread
9 mile/ pallisade question.... - by Utahskr - 08-21-2013, 12:20 AM
Re: [FishMcFisherson] 9 mile/ pallisade question.... - by Utahskr - 08-21-2013, 02:12 AM

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