12-04-2003, 10:36 PM
That is definetly good news. I would like to address one of your comments though. Increasing the size limit to 24" would be a step in the wrong direction for the state and anglers alike. Last year the DWR implimented a state wide standard of 22" for all trophy regulations. If they did change the slot to 24" they would have to increase every lake to 24" and that would cause more headaches for everybody. I wouldn't mind seeing a 24" slot but I don't think it would have a good impact on most lakes including Strawberry. I say this for because of a couple reasons. If you noticed "[size 1]158 percent decrease in the catch of one-year-old chubs and 272 percent reduction in the catch of redside shiners" is a huge increase in predation of yearling ruff fish. We'll never see all the chubs dissapear but after a few years the cycle would be more like what's at Starvation. It would be a great short term boom for Strawberry but the bust will be even worse.[/size]
[size 1]I just hope the DWR keeps a close eye on this lakes ecology and doesn't let the situation get to bad, but like everything else they'll wait until it's the worst it could be before they do anything.
[size 1]I just hope the DWR keeps a close eye on this lakes ecology and doesn't let the situation get to bad, but like everything else they'll wait until it's the worst it could be before they do anything.