09-13-2013, 04:58 PM
Luckily I have only had one truly scary lightning experience while fishing.
I was at Yuba with Utgolf and we were in his aluminum canoe. His battery died so we were stuck paddleling back in to Oasis. We made it to Walleye Point when the T-storm hit us.
We bailed into shore and laid down in a trench that we found. We were astounded by how far we were gonna paddle in. Every boat going by at 30mph took a while to get in.
So there was clearing and we went for it. Paddleling like mad men we were half way in when the T-Storm started up again. There was a bolt that was cloud to cloud right above our heads. Instant flash, instant boom! We thought we were gonners right then and there.
I was at Yuba with Utgolf and we were in his aluminum canoe. His battery died so we were stuck paddleling back in to Oasis. We made it to Walleye Point when the T-storm hit us.
We bailed into shore and laid down in a trench that we found. We were astounded by how far we were gonna paddle in. Every boat going by at 30mph took a while to get in.
So there was clearing and we went for it. Paddleling like mad men we were half way in when the T-Storm started up again. There was a bolt that was cloud to cloud right above our heads. Instant flash, instant boom! We thought we were gonners right then and there.