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Vertical jigging the 'Berry.
I'm heading up to Strawberry this weekend and will be fishing from a boat. I'll probably mostly just be still fishing with bait/worms. I'll be using 2 rods, so I'd like to be using bait on one and try vertical jigging on the other. The only problem is that I've never done it before... So I have a few questions that I'm hoping you guys can help me with.

First of all, the spot we usually fish is about 30 f.o.w. Is this too shallow to try the vertical jig? I've caught mostly rainbows there, but usually catch a few cuts as well.

Second... What kind/color/size of jig/jig head should I try? Also, I've heard people say that they usually tip their jig with chub meat. I'll try to catch a chub, but if I don't, can I use carp meat, or just a piece of night crawler?

Finally, any particular jig action works best? Do I just drop the jig straight down and jig it til I get a bite (like ice fishing)? Do I cast, let it sink to the bottom and reel in with a slow retrieve?

Anything else that you can tell me would be much appreciated. PM's are welcome.

Thank you in advance.[fishin]

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Vertical jigging the 'Berry. - by FishMcFisherson - 09-20-2013, 01:51 AM

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