09-20-2013, 05:02 AM
For all you perch disciples I have a confession to make....In the last year I have had perch envy. The first time it attacked me was when I looked at duck slayers pictures of those giant sloths he has been getting on Cascade. My jaw dropped so hard on the table when I saw those pictures that the bruise didn't heel up for a week. The second time I became full of perch envy was when I saw the finned pigs that idahopanfish was catching at CJ Strike. You guys on the other side of the state have some awesome fisheries for perch. But I no longer hang my head in shame. This afternoon I hit Ririe reservoir and in a couple of hours caught some of the nicest perch I have ever caught on this side of the state. They may not quite have the shoulders that you have over there, but I think we might be catching up. My biggest was 11 and a quarter inches, I had thirteen that went over ten. All in all I am looking forward to an awesome fish fry. Here are a couple of pictures.