09-20-2013, 05:08 AM
So I guess Texas has been wasting their time?
There isn't one factor that determines whether a fish grows large or not. It isn't black and white. I'll admit, here in this god forsaken frozen desert, water and forage are a huge factor, but genetics do factor in as well. If we could get people to stop watering their lawns every stinking day, in the middle of the day, when it's 100 degrees, sunny and windy, or on a day when it's raining and they leave their stupid sprinklers on all freaking day when nature is watering for them, that would help too. But perhaps in addition, people could use common sense and not be greedy jerks and keep big fish just because their egos are too big and they need to show everyone their big fish that they caught and then throw it in the freezer to spoil, or they're too lazy to clean several smaller fish. I'm sick of people keeping a limit of large fish every time they go out, and then complaining about how the fishing has gone down hill at that particular body of water. Use your heads people.
That article only addresses trout btw. Bass are a different story. They grow much slower, and live much longer in this cold climate. It seems like a shame to kill a fish that is ten years old or older just to eat it when you could keep several smaller fish that are all too numerous. It will take some time to fill the place of a trophy bass, but there is typically a sheer multitude of smaller fish waiting to fill the spot of the 12" bass that people really should be harvesting.
And it's true, mercury really isn't too good for you. It causes brain damage. Maybe that's what's wrong around here [crazy]
But back on the topic of this thread. Hybrids are sterile. They grow fast and die young. I really don't care if people keep the big ones quite honestly.
There isn't one factor that determines whether a fish grows large or not. It isn't black and white. I'll admit, here in this god forsaken frozen desert, water and forage are a huge factor, but genetics do factor in as well. If we could get people to stop watering their lawns every stinking day, in the middle of the day, when it's 100 degrees, sunny and windy, or on a day when it's raining and they leave their stupid sprinklers on all freaking day when nature is watering for them, that would help too. But perhaps in addition, people could use common sense and not be greedy jerks and keep big fish just because their egos are too big and they need to show everyone their big fish that they caught and then throw it in the freezer to spoil, or they're too lazy to clean several smaller fish. I'm sick of people keeping a limit of large fish every time they go out, and then complaining about how the fishing has gone down hill at that particular body of water. Use your heads people.
That article only addresses trout btw. Bass are a different story. They grow much slower, and live much longer in this cold climate. It seems like a shame to kill a fish that is ten years old or older just to eat it when you could keep several smaller fish that are all too numerous. It will take some time to fill the place of a trophy bass, but there is typically a sheer multitude of smaller fish waiting to fill the spot of the 12" bass that people really should be harvesting.
And it's true, mercury really isn't too good for you. It causes brain damage. Maybe that's what's wrong around here [crazy]
But back on the topic of this thread. Hybrids are sterile. They grow fast and die young. I really don't care if people keep the big ones quite honestly.