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RAC meeting in SLC for 2014 Fishing Regs
[quote RonPaulFan]I also agree. It fits with my previous post ...

... and coments at the RAC regarding mercury and my suggestions for encouraging lower mercury consumption for good health by eating more of smaller fish.

Current limits encourage eating older, larger fish which have accumulated more mercury in favor of a larger meal. It also places a greater demand on the system because those fish ate a lot of smaller fish to become older and larger.

Limits should be greater for smaller fish.[/quote]

I missed something then. Where is the encouragement to eat larger fish? I hear Mercury in fish I think smaller portions, as I would imagine others think.

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Re: [RonPaulFan] RAC meeting in SLC for 2014 Fishing Regs - by flygoddess - 09-21-2013, 10:20 PM

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