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Selective Harvest on Hybrid Species?
[quote Highmth] If a large fish is pulled out of a fishery, a smaller will quickly take it's place. However, if there are too many fish in the fishery then the "hole" left by the big fish that was taken from the fishery is spread thin across many fish trying to fill it at once, the result is the growth rate slows down and the many fish don't get as big.[/quote]

Exactly. So, if the growth rate is slow due to too many fish trying to fill the same gap, how do you fix that?

A: you reduce the population size.

how do you reduce population sizes?
1. Rotenone
2. liberal limits
3. natural die-off (winter kill, algae bloom, low water, fire, etc.)

fishinglunatic -- have you read any of the reports and articles I've posted? You should. You seem very enthusiastic about fishing and fisheries management. You have a few concepts wrong -- but with an open mind I think you could learn a few things and actually understand them. Use your passion to your advantage, and take some advice: educate. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from others.

You've got a paper right here that will help you correct a few things you've got slightly off. Read it. You'll enjoy it.

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Re: [FishingLunatic] Selective Harvest on Hybrid Species? - by PBH - 09-23-2013, 03:30 PM

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