10-02-2013, 09:20 PM
The best solution may not be feasible....so, you have to come up with something else. I am sure that the DWR would love to own water in every reservoir across the state in order to better manage fish, but they don't and they probably never will. The funny thing is that IPP spent $2400 per acre foot and purchased 45,000 acre feet annually....you do the math. How much did it cost them....back in what 1980? And you propose to get this kind of money where?
Also, FWIW, I never said that you had to go to the RACs to give an opinion. But, if you want to be involved in the decision making process, you should probably attend all of the meetings--not just the RACs and especially the meetings that are focusing on one body of water--and, additionally, you should probably meet with biologists or at least call them on the phone or email them.
Also, FWIW, I never said that you had to go to the RACs to give an opinion. But, if you want to be involved in the decision making process, you should probably attend all of the meetings--not just the RACs and especially the meetings that are focusing on one body of water--and, additionally, you should probably meet with biologists or at least call them on the phone or email them.