12-06-2003, 05:27 AM
I hear the there Bud, I got more than my share of them pups my self this year. My biggest was 18 incnes.
I cought one on a blue gill I had set up on a tip up for pike last winter, cought one on a minnow, and even cought one in my minnow trap.
Slimy little fellas aint they...[
Welcome to Bigfishtackle, what part of blue ball you fishing? (globe)
I cought one on a blue gill I had set up on a tip up for pike last winter, cought one on a minnow, and even cought one in my minnow trap.
Slimy little fellas aint they...[

Welcome to Bigfishtackle, what part of blue ball you fishing? (globe)